

Table of Contents:

  1. What are the best pills for the prostate?
  2. 1st place - Prostoxalen
  3. 2nd place - Prostolan
  4. 3rd place - Prostonel
  5. 4th place - Prostaceum
  6. 5th place - Urostom
  7. 6th place - Prostaline
  8. Summary - what to choose?

Capsules and pills for prostate

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a condition that affects most men over the age of 45. A feeling of constant pressure on the bladder, a weak stream of urine, burning and pain - these are some of the most troublesome symptoms of an enlarged prostate. How to help yourself and get rid of the problem? Read the ranking of the most effective natural products for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The prostate, or prostate gland, is part of the male reproductive system. A healthy one is the size of a walnut. When it begins to grow, e.g. due to age, it compresses the urethra and that is when you start to feel unpleasant ailments. For example, you wake up at night to go to the toilet and feel constant pressure on the bladder.

Due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, the urine flow is weak and toilet visits do not bring any relief as the pressure persists. You also feel constant pain and burning. Urine leakage can be very troublesome as well, especially if it happens in a public place. An enlarged prostate can also cause erection problems.

All these factors take the joy out of life. Every time you leave the house you stress whether there is a toilet nearby. For this reason, men even give up their social life.

Fortunately, there are effective solutions that can help!

It is always worth going to a specialist who will examine the prostate. For mild prostate hypertrophy, you can try natural remedies available without a prescription. Below you will find the ranking of such medications.

What are the best pills for the prostate?

















It is quite simple. The best prostate pills should, of course, be effective! And their effectiveness always depends on the composition. Nature has given us some proven substances that have long been used to treat such problems. These are, for example, saw palmetto, pumpkin seeds and large cranberries.

When choosing a product for the prostate, make sure it contains as many active substances as possible. Not only in terms of the number of ingredients but also their amount. It is known that 200 mg of the ingredient is better than 50 mg because it will give a faster and more powerful results.

Also, pay attention to the use and performance of the product. Some of them may end after 15 days of use, which significantly increases the cost of the treatment because you have to order another package.

The ranking of pills for prostate

We have analyzed all the details in the ranking of the best products for the prostate. The ranking itself is based on the opinions and ratings of men who used the products and decided to share their reviews.

1st place


Prostoxalen Prostoxalen

1st place


The product is rated the highest since it has appeared on the market. It effectively eliminates all the ailments associated with prostate enlargement. After using Prostoxalen, the urgency to urinate returns to normal, you no longer wake up at night to pee, burning, pain and urinary incontinence disappear. What is more, Prostoxalen strengthens erections. All of this means that a man can return to his former activities and normal life thanks to the product.

This is due to a well-chosen composition. Prostoxalen contains 5 proven plant extracts for prostate hypertrophy, such as saw palmetto, pumpkin, large cranberry or willowherb. The formula is enriched with 100% of the daily requirement for vitamin E, zinc and vitamin B6. Prostoxalen works effectively and quickly, which is rare (some products have to be used for a long time to see any results), and everyone wants to feel relief as soon as possible.

The content of individual substances is good. The daily serving contains, for example, as much as 320 mg of saw palmetto and pumpkin seed extracts.

One bottle is enough for a 1-month treatment. The product's website is transparent. The purchasing process is easy and completely safe.

Product effectiveness rating according to 425 customers: 98.7%



It works very effectively. I was ashamed of my ailments and did not even tell my wife about them. I ordered prostoxalen online. It was delivered after 2 days and helped me a lot. The pain gradually subsided and I finally stopped going to the toilet a dozen times a day.


Compared to other prostate pills, prostoxalen is excellent. This is the only preparation that brought me relief and after which I noticed a significant improvement.

2nd place


Prostolan Prostolan

2nd place


The Prostolan packaging contains 30 capsules. Its composition (unfortunately quite poor) contains maca root extracts, saw palmetto, nettle, 100% zinc and selenium.

The saw palmetto and common nettle are great for problems with the prostate, but these 2 ingredients are not enough to guarantee a product's high effectiveness. Additionally, it is worth looking at the amount of saw palmetto or nettle. 80 mg is not much, especially when we look at the compositions of the competition.

How is the effectiveness of Prostonal rated by men? At the moment it is 7/10 (74%). The capsules reduce the severity of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate but do not always eliminate 100% of them. Often there is no full recovery, but there is an improvement in the patient's condition. For some men, this is enough, but for others, it is not enough.

The customers also often pointed out one more drawback of Prostolan. Namely, the price of the product. It is quite expensive and it only lasts for a 15-day treatment. Since you have to wait a while for the results, it is necessary to purchase several packages to undergo the full treatment.

Product effectiveness rating according to 151 customers: 74.2%



I thought that Prostolan would help me. After the first weeks, I was even happy, but the improvement lasted for a week ... It's a pity, because I spent a lot of money.


A good product. This is the first time I have had problems with my prostate. After 2 months it was over! The full treatment cost a lot, but the results are more important than money!

3rd place


Prostonel Prostonel

3rd place


Prostonel is a food supplement that can help with an enlarged prostate. The product was warmly received. Its effectiveness and customer ratings place the product on the podium of the ranking. A large group of people praised the product for helping them reduce or completely eliminate their problems. On the other hand, for some men, Prostonel did not help at all. Others pointed out that they had to wait very long to see any results.

The lower effectiveness of Prostonel is perhaps a matter of its mediocre composition. It contains few ingredients typically associated with the improvement of the prostate. For example, common nettle and zinc. The product also contains ginseng, echinacea or l-arginine. Ginseng helps regain full and strong erections, which is good. However, the formula could be improved a lot.

What is more, the amount of contained ingredients is not the best as well. Prostonel contains only 100 mg of common nettle and the remaining active ingredients in even lower amounts.

Opinions about Prostonel are mixed. Long treatment, few active ingredients, high price. These are the most frequently mentioned disadvantages of Prostonel. Ultimately, its ratings are quite high.

Product effectiveness rating according to 238 customers: 68.9%



Thanks to the product, I stopped getting up at night and was able to sleep. During the day I still feel the symptoms of my enlarged prostate, but it is getting better!

4th place


Prostaceum Prostaceum

4th place


The first thing that catches your eye when analyzing Prostaceum pills is a fairly long list of ingredients. There is a large dose of pumpkin seeds, as well as willowherb, common nettle and saw palmetto, although it is a pity that the product contains only 100 mg of the latter (which is essential to improving the prostate).

However, a more detailed analysis of the composition shows that there are a lot of unnecessary additives in it. Prostaceum contains fillers, talcum powder, colourants and anti-caking agents.

The product itself is rated decently. You should not expect a quick improvement and the results are not always fully satisfactory. Prostacea works slowly and often only reduces discomfort.

Product effectiveness rating according to 103 customers: 62.7%



It is OK. The product gave a mild relief.


I have been taking Prostaceum for 3 months. During this time, I noticed a slight improvement. The pain when urinating has decreased and the stream has become greater. However, not everything was OK with it. I had a bad aftertaste with these pills. I was hoping for greater results (complete improvement). That's why I can't give the product a high grade.

5th place


Urostom Urostom

5th place


High price for a low content of active ingredients - this is how Urostom prostate pills can be summed up in a nutshell. Saw palmetto, pumpkin, common nettle and zinc are the 4 active ingredients of Urostome. We can see that the manufacturer has opted for known and proven substances, but why are there so few of them? There is only 45 mg of saw palmetto, 32 mg of pumpkin and 15 mg of nettle. Zinc covers only 50% of the daily requirement! Such amounts just cannot provide the expected results in full.

And this is confirmed in the product ratings. Urostom gives a subtle improvement - it reduces the frequency of visits to the toilet and alienates the burning sensation. Another problem is that the good effects come and go. Their occurrence resembles a sine wave.

Important note! On the Internet, we came across the description of Urostom, which contained completely different active ingredients: chamomile and pine, i.e. ingredients not related to the prostate. We are not sure if it is a mistake in the description or a fake, but when choosing Urostom you have to check exactly what product you are buying!

Product effectiveness rating according to 198 customers: 57.7%



It didn't help me, but my brother used it at the same time. He was more satisfied with Urostom than I did.

6th place


Prostaline Prostaline

6th place


Prostaline capsules contain a lot of good ingredients: pumpkin seed extract, saw palmetto, large cranberry, gotu kola etc. The contents are also quite rich, so why is Prostaline not ranked higher?

It's easy. Because of its efficiency. One package contains 20 capsules, and the manufacturer recommends using 2 capsules a day. A simple calculation shows that one package only lasts 10 days. The manufacturer also recommends a minimum 2-month treatment to see the full results of Prostaline. A 2-month treatment with the product is a total of 6 packages...

The vast majority of men who started using the product, unaware of this fact, quickly abandoned the use of Prostaline due to such long treatment, the inconvenience of ordering further packages, and simply high costs. Hence the low ratings of Prostaline.

Product effectiveness rating according to 302 customers: 55.9%



This is a joke! This is what happens when you don't read online about the product you buy... I can only blame myself. Anyway, after 2 weeks, I decided it was pointless and quit using it.

Prostoxalen has been the leader of our ranking for a long time.
It is in fact the only product that does not have any major disadvantages.

  • Works fairly fast
  • Removes all ailments: frequent toilet visits, pain, urine leakage
  • It also improves your erection

This is due to the well-composed composition of 5 herbs for the prostate. With 60 capsules per bottle, there is no need to buy a new packaging every 10 days, as is the case with some other products.

The other products in the ranking were rated lower, but not always because of their lower effectiveness. Sometimes the problem is low efficiency and high costs of treatment, e.g. for some products, use 6 packages.

Composition is sometimes a problem. Perhaps, due to savings, the producers are not willing to pack their preparations with good ingredients. It is difficult for such a product to effectively remove the symptoms of prostate enlargement.



Thank you for this in-depth research on the subject. Thanks to this, I know what to choose.


Gentlemen, get tested!


Hear, hear!


It is true that the prostate can be a nuisance. I got so tired of it. Constant waking up at night, going to the toilet and nothing. You go back to bed and you still feel the need to pee. You can go crazy. I will tell you that I don't like any pills and I would probably get tired, but my wife took care of me and ordered this prostoxalen. It helped me immeasurably. I can pee now properly. I wholeheartedly recommend the product, I just ordered another package.


I was taking urostom. It's an average product and I'm a little surprised that it is mentioned in the ranking of the best products.


Buddy, take a look at the ratings of its effectiveness. It is not the best.


This is fun. You buy capsules and they last for 10 days.


Ranking of the best products and the ratings are quite low


Apart from Prostoxalen.


yeah but what about the rest? are they so bad or the number 1 is so good?


What do you mean exactly? The ratings are separate for each product.


Good prostate pills are not that hard to create, because there are proven ingredients for it, saw palmetto, pumpkin seeds, etc. Choose only the right doses and that's it. That is why I am so surprised that so many manufacturers fail to do it. Only Prostoxalen makes sense and the rest? They cannot do it or maybe they DO NOT WANT to (because of the costs...)


Thanks to this ranking I have ordered Prostoxalen. Today I am coming back to say a heartfelt thank you and to announce that all the symptoms of my prostate enlargement are gone !!!


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